Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Questions 1

Heyo mayo

So some of you may know this; i really love questions. like i like answering and asking questions. I downloaded this app a few weeks back, it gives you like a bunch of questions. And I figured I'd try to post three questions a day to idk, contribute to my daily post on my blog. I'm currently writing several blog posts, so please be patient :x I'm still active, just kinda taking my time haha

Okay, so question 1:

Answer: um several things that reminded me of my ex. Haha like all our movie tickets, which actually consisted of many. Um random things that don't really matter I guess. I kept the ones that do though.

Question 2 :

Answer: Probably about their beauty. I see this all the time on Instagram; and it's annoying, because these girls are actually pretty. Like they post photos of themselves, and when people comment that they're skinny or pretty, they start complaining about how fat and ugly they are.

Question 3 :

Hm this is pretty hard. For girls, probably how they are all really pretty. For guys, probably how they're really caring/protective. All in all, if I had to pick one trait, I'd say emotional/sensitive.

And here's one photo of a sneak peek of jubilee! :) I'm working on the post currently, should be out by this week.


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