Is this you..?
Do you have this sort of behaviour?
Are you lying?
Then this post, is dedicated to you.
So this week is my study break! YES, that's 6 weeks of break.
I can't believe I'm done with semester 1, and then I have semester 2 and I'm off to M'sia!
EEEEEP! How exciting.
Today's post, I aim to motivate YOU to study.
Recently, my sister's results came out. She hasn't sat for her proper A levels exams.. but her school results aren't great - at all. She passed half of her subjects, and failed the other half.
Not a single C in sight.. no, not even a D. (It's that bad). Then again, 'least people aren't exaggerating when they said that A levels is freaaaaaaking difficult. I bet it is.
I was skyping Esther two weeks ago, and ended up giving her a small pep talk on studying, as it is her dream to do medicine. With grades like that, it's impossible. No, at the rate she's going, she's gonna struggle really hard in university.
After that talk, she was really motivated, and so I hope that motivation will push her to get better grades for her next test.
Yesterday, a really good friend of mine was telling me how she has been struggling with studying, and asked me for study tips.
ME? HAHA. woah there humans, out of everyone.. -
Yes. Out of everyone, I will be here to give you some study tips.
How to start studying:
So I'll be super honest.
I don't get straight A's, no, I don't get full marks either. (Does anyone even??)
I'm just Chelsea, and I've never been the kind to study, until I started doing well for O levels.
I kinda miss doing O levels to be honest.
So to all you O levels students, enjoy it while you're at it!!
Anyway, back to me being human.
I procrastinate quite often, I don't get straight A's, I don't study as much as I really should,
so what better person should be giving you tips to study huh?
Well, I'd say the kind of person that's in your position, but is constantly trying to improve and motivate themselves. Ask someone who's perfect, and you won't feel like you're able to reach their standards(like I mean dang, those people be on point.), ask someone who doesn't give a single care, and you won't even want to.. who even wants to ask someone like that?
Ok - enough nonsense.
Here are some tips that really help me to get started, I hope it helps you.
1. Asking God
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." - Matthew 7:7
Yes, that's what I did just last week for my final assignments and an essay worth 60%!
Foundation in Education isn't tough like medicine or engineering, but it's something new to me. Having my assignments and essay cramped for the last week doesn't help with someone who struggles with time management and procrastination.
I was stressed that pimples be popping up as an indication that I needed help from above.
So like always, I typed on google:
verses for studying
verses for wisdom
verses for exam students
After closing several tabs, I found one that I really loved:
The Link is a prayer for final exam students with verses and all.
After proclaiming that prayer, I took in a breath, sighed and got on with my essay.
I finished it within two days (when some of my friends were still struggling, and started before me!).
I believe it is by God's strength that I was able to finish the essay several days before the due date.
PLUS, study for a Maths test that was the day after!
God is so so good, even when I'm such a failure.
Plus, there's no harm in asking, especially when you're at a state like such.
God is your creator, he created knowledge, people, history, the present, future, everything you know and don't know. It's all in his palm, and who else is better to ask for help than the creator himself?
2. Set standards and expectations for yourself
I know this is something that some people may struggle with.
I am somewhat a perfectionist.
No, not really. I just like the idea of keeping a perfect image, or trying to be perfect.
I don't think I'm perfect, and when things don't go 100% planned, I do get upset sometimes, but not to the point of being a perfectionist.
Being perfect/Aiming for perfection = Being the best YOU can be
You define what's the best version of you, and you gotta be honest!
Personally for me, I like to feel like I have everything in control. Even when I don't. But I like trying to make everything perfect - even though it almost never comes out perfect.
No one is perfect (as quoted many times, by many people), but constantly trying to reach perfection is more than good enough.
I once told someone:
You have really good PR (Public relation) skills.
And he was indeed, 'least he showed that he was good at making rapports.
He then chuckled lightly and replied 'Nah, well, I try to'.
And I said, "Well trying to is a start. If you want to obtain patience, even when you're not, and you still try to be patient, it makes you patient (eventually)." Something along those lines.
He then smiled and said 'I guess.'
I guess? BRO, it's true.
HEHE kidding, I know he agrees.
And it is true.
Think about it; if someone by nature isn't kind, but he makes an effort to be kind.. Say, by holding the door, or by buying a meal for the poor, or by offering a hand to help... does that not show an act of kindness? It does! And because of that act, it makes him kind - even when he's not at that 100% state of kindness (yet).
Evan Almighty (the movie) has this amazing quote where God (in the movie) says
"Let me ask you something. If someone prays for patience, you think God gives them patience? Or does he give them the opportunity to be patient? If he prayed for courage, does God give him courage, or does he give him opportunities to be courageous? If someone prayed for the family to be closer, do you think God zaps them with warm fuzzy feelings, or does he give them opportunities to love each other?"
This reminds me of how each test/exam/assignment, gives YOU an opportunity to be a better you. It gives you the opportunity to earn a credit, it gives you an opportunity to demonstrate intelligence and being hardworking, it gives you an opportunity to do well. So, why don't you get in there and do something that makes you rock?
How does this point relate to its heading of setting standards for yourself?
Well, aim high. aim for perfection. Cause chances are, you won't get there.
But you'll get somewhere close if you try hard enough.
Aim for a B, and you may just get a C or lower.
Aim for an A, and you may just get close to your aim.
Always aim high- est. Always aim for the highest.
It applies because I keep that in mind.
I don't have perfect grades, but I aim for perfect grades.
When you aim for something, you target it. When you target something, it shows a sense of desire.
When you want something, you can get it if you keep trying.
You are probably your biggest obstacle at this point.
Remove yourself as a barrier, and start to see your possibilities without all those procrastination, laziness and such!
You can do this!!
3. Think of your future
Now, I know this is quite generic. but it works for my sister!
You see, Esther doesn't want to come back to NZ to study. Neither does she want to stay back in Malaysia to study. She would much rather go elsewhere, like Canada.
In order for that to happen, it takes a scholarship. For her to receive a scholarship, she needs good grades. And for now, it doesn't look like she can even get to New Zealand with grades like such.
Thinking about your future has a huge effect on some, especially with those who are pursuing degrees that are very competitive to get in (like medicine).
Thinking about the future is also such a wide thought! What kind of future am I on about?
Well, it could be in a few months time or next year, to decide which path you're gonna take.
Or it could be in a few years, to determine what kind of future you would like to hold, and in order to get there, what are you doing in the present to help you get to that future?
Mid-term exams may not seem as important as picking a degree, or even getting a degree! But it's really important. Whether you're 14, 16, 18, or older, it matters! Why start when it's 'important'? Why don't you make where you are now important?
Think about your future:
Which university you'd like to attend, which degree would you like to take, which career path would you like to go on?
In order for these things to occur, I'm sure where you are now, has a huge impact on how you're gonna start any of those.
4. Set priorities
Last but not least, the thing that many people struggle with.
Friends, Relationships, Personal interests, Work, Studies.. there are just so many aspects to consider!
Time management is something I really struggle with, and so is prioritising.
When I want to study, when I need to study, this is how I set studying my priority:
Log off all social networks that allow me to sign out.
And flight mode my phone. Every few hours, I allow myself to un-flight mode my phone and check any incoming messages.. apart from that, I don't when I need to prioritise.
This is probably the main distraction most people face;
if it isn't, then do the same for any other unnecessary distractions.
These are just a few points I can think of.
Of course, there's more to studying.
Now that I have gotten the hang of my course, I intend on doing really well for next semester, and not do things last minute! Maybe then I'll have another study tips episode, on how to actually study.. haha.
For now,
that's having the desire to do so, putting your will in doing it, and just striving!
All the best for your upcoming test/exams/assignments!
Chelsea x
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